Anti-liquid anti-dust prescription safety glasses

Prescription anti-dust protective glasses are essential in environments where airborne particles pose a risk to eye health. They provide effective protection against dust, dirt and other airborne particles, preventing irritation, injury and infection in the user's eyes.
Pegaso Safety » Safety prescription » Antiliquids / Antidust

Benefits for the company

Benefits for the employee

Your prescription safety glasses in one click

Latest TECH performs better


The person in charge of HSE in the company fills out the application form.


The optician receives the application and graduates the employee.


Manufactured in
7 working days.

Pegaso for companies

Contact us and rely on more than 65 years of experience in occupational safety and eye protection.

Fernando García

Sales Manager
Tel: 932 04 81 10

Vicente Soriano

National Sales Representative España & Portugal
Tel: 932 04 81 10

Frequently asked questions about prescription safety spectacles

Chemical risk is mainly present in medical environments, the food industry and waste management, where there is a danger of contamination by microorganisms. To minimize any risk associated with chemicals, Pegaso offers a selection of certified glasses designed to protect against chemical and biological risks.
It is essential to evaluate the specific needs of your workplace, especially if there is a chemical risk. In these environments, workers may be faced with splashes of dangerous liquids or impacts of particles. Since the eyes are complex and vulnerable organs, it is essential to protect them against any external aggression.Laboratories often present multiple threats to vision that can cause irreversible damage. For this reason, the mandatory and continuous use of glasses is a common practice. In addition to protecting, glasses must provide comfort for the worker. Pegaso offers a wide range of models from the Goggle line, with various features and prices to suit your needs.
For those who need vision correction, the best option is over-glasses, which are placed over personal prescription glasses. This solution is economical, efficient, and allows for comfortable work. Since laboratory goggles are usually single-lens, applying prescription directly to them can be more complicated.
Although laboratories are the most common environment for these glasses, they are also used in other jobs where sealed protection, lenses resistant to extreme temperatures, humidity, or corrosive and flammable environments are required. These glasses are ideal for tasks such as:
  • Paint booths
  • Meat industries
  • Cleaning and maintenance
  • Construction
  • Work with incandescent solid particless
They are designed to prevent objects, liquids, powders, or chemicals from coming into contact with the eyes.
You can purchase our Pegaso laboratory goggles at industrial supplies, hardware stores or by contacting our customer service department directly.
There are over-glasses that are compatible with your prescription glasses. These allow you to work comfortably and maintain the necessary protection.