Effects of noise on hearing health

What effects does noise have on hearing health?

Exposure to excessive noise without the application of control and protection measures has very negative effects on our physical and mental health. Physically, for example, excessive noise can cause temporary or permanent damage to hearing, increase stress, fatigue, hypertension, increase heart rate, and release stress hormones. Mentally, noise can trigger episodes of anxiety, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, and be a cause of learning problems in children. It is vital to take measures to reduce noise in our environments and use hearing protection when necessary to protect ourselves. Not properly protecting ourselves can trigger temporary hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and permanent deafness in severe cases.The World Health Organization (WHO) considers noise as a public health problem which has negative impacts on the health and well-being of individuals and recommends maximum daily exposure levels to noise of 70 decibels (dB) during daytime hours and 55 dB during nighttime hours.Noise pollution is an increasingly common problem in companies.Excessive noise can cause not only hearing problems, but also negative effects on our mental health such as stress or fatigue and reduced productivity. In the workplace, there are several types of hearing protection, each with its own advantages, which can be used to protect hearing in different environments and situations.In this sense, we highlight the advantages of custom-fit earplugs, which, having a range of different intensity filters, allow attenuating the ambient sound of each section in a very controlled way, maintaining good communication between coworkers with the hearing protectors on. Another advantage is the cost savings they entail, given that their average lifespan is around 4 years of use. Additionally, their small size and weight make them very comfortable for use throughout the workday, making them more comfortable, effective, and safe.In summary, limiting exposure to excessive noise, taking control measures and wearing hearing protection are important measures to prevent temporary or permanent hearing damage caused by prolonged exposure to excessive noise.