5 aspects of blue light that you did not know

Every day there is a greater interest in blue light, to know what it is about and what its effects are. In fact, internet searches have increased 60% in the last year. In this article of our blog we are going to tell you different aspects, with scientific bases, that you probably did not know yet.

1. Two very different types of blue light

Our eyes are capable of capturing the spectrum of light that goes between 400 and 750nm. Below 400nm is the dangerous ultraviolet light and, in the case of blue light, it is the one that is closest to it, with a wavelength between 400 and 500 nm. But there are two types of blue light that are important to distinguish between them: blue-violet light and blue-turquoise light. The first is a type of light with higher energy and therefore faster scattering, which makes it more harmful as it can cause glare. The second is directly related to sleep regulation.

2. Se trata de equilibrio

It is true that also in sunlight there is a large amount of blue light present, but the difference is that this amount is in balance with the rest of the lights. This is not the case with other sources of blue light, for example LED screens such as those of a Tablet or computer device, where the amount of blue light emitted is much higher than the rest of the lights. The problems associated with blue light lie in overexposure to it, which is one of the causes of Computer Visual Syndrome that has the following consequences: dry eyes, headaches, red eyes, etc.


3. ¿Por qué no tengo sueño?

As we said, the blue-turquoise light is closely linked to our regulation of rest because it acts as an inhibitor in the production of melatonin, which is the sleep hormone. When we expose ourselves to blue light at night, our body does not interpret that it is time to sleep because melatonin is not produced and that is when we can suffer from insomnia.

4. También existen beneficios

It is important to note that the negative effects of blue light begin when we overexpose ourselves to it, which means, we receive a large amount of blue light for long periods of time without rest, as when working 8 hours with the computer and then continue looking at the mobile or TV. But on the other hand, blue light has a positive impact on our dopamine production, which is beneficial as this helps us to stay alert and motivated.

5. Reducir la exposición ¡Comienza hoy!

There are different solutions that you can apply today to avoid being overexposed and not regret the consequences, especially where many times it is inevitable not to spend many hours connected.

  • Protege tus ojos. Cuando estés frente a pantallas utiliza gafas que tengan un filtro de luz azul, que actúen bloqueando parte de esta reduciendo la exposición.
  • Parpadea. Para evitar la sequedad ocular, recuerda parpadear frecuentemente. Sucede que a veces estamos tan concentrados que fijamos nuestra vista en la pantalla y sin siquiera parpadear.
  • Ajusta la pantalla. Trata de equilibrar la luz azul y compensarla, fíjate en el contraste y brillo, etc.
  • Menos luz azul de noche. Antes de la hora de ir a dormir, utiliza menos dispositivos con pantalla, evita quedarte viendo el móvil en la cama.

We invite you to discover our new models of BLUESTOP glasses by clicking here í. They protect your eyes thanks to a powerful filter that blocks up to 40% of the blue light emitted by screens. To guarantee the quality of our protectors, we have certified the filter level by means of a laboratory approved under ISO standards. There are different models to choose the one that best suits your own style.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la Luz Azul

Where do we find blue light?

Blue light is present in sunlight and all LED display devices, even incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. The problem is that in sunlight, blue light is balanced with the rest of the lights and in the case of LED light there is a greater amount of blue light compared to the rest. When using devices with LED screens for several hours at a time we can suffer overexposure to blue light.

¿Qué puede suceder si estoy sobreexpuesto a la luz azul?

Overexposure to blue light is one of the causes of Computer Visual Syndrome, which manifests itself with symptoms such as headaches, dry eyes, red eyes, and insomnia.

¿Cómo puedo proteger mis ojos de la luz azul?

When you spend long hours in front of a screen, remember to blink frequently, adjust the screen in brightness / contrast and protect your eyes with glasses with blue light filter, certified, that block part of the light emitted by the screen to avoid being overexposed.