Viruses and bacteria accumulate daily on surfaces and can survive for hours, putting our health at risk if they come into contact with our body. The surface of the lenses of our glasses is part of this danger and that is why, now more than ever in times of Coronavirus, proper hygiene is very important.
Just as one of the main recommendations to deal with COVID-19 is to wash our hands frequently, we must have a similar habit with our glasses. In addition to eliminating traces of dirt typical of daily use, we prevent one of the areas of potential contagion, such as our eyes, from being contaminated.
Cleaning without damaging the lenses
How to avoid scratching your lenses in the attempt? For starters, and no matter how tempted you are, never clean your glasses with clothing. Many times we tend to rub the lenses with the edges of shirts or whatever we have on hand, a solution that it can be worse because depending on the material it can damage the crystals.
Another very common mistake is to use abrasive or chemical products. Bleach, hydroalcoholic solutions or alcohol cannot be used to sanitize your glasses because they can damage them. Some kitchen degreasing detergents are also harmful to the lenses, and even more so if the lenses have some type of treatment.
Although it may not seem like it, and it is quite common, you should not use tissues or napkins as you could scratch them.
La solución más simple y efectiva para limpiar tus gafas
To protect ourselves, not run risks of contagion and take care of the quality of our glasses it is simply necessary: water and neutral hand soap. We tell you one by one the steps and some tips to consider:
- Humedece las gafas bajo el agua
- Aplica una pequeña gota de jabón en cada lente
- Con la yema de tus dedos, y con mucha delicadeza, frótalas
- Haz lo mismo con la montura
- Enjuaga tus gafas con agua hasta quitar todo rastro de jabón
- Con un paño de microfibra, sécalas.
Otras recomendaciones
Finally, two equally important recommendations: do not use hot water to wash them and use liquid soap, avoiding the pill. At the end apply an anti-fog solution, which will prevent your glasses from fogging up and will avoid the attraction of dust as it is antistatic.
You can easily get an anti-fog by entering in our e-shop and we will send it to your home.
Preguntas frecuentes
How to wash my glasses without scratching them?
To wash your glasses and avoid scratching the lenses, you only need water and mild soap. Do not use products with chemicals that can be abrasive and, especially, avoid using clothing to rub them. It is always recommended to use a microfiber cloth.
How can I prevent my glasses from fogging up with the mask?
The most recommended is that you use a Spray with anti-fog liquid. In addition to preventing fogging glasses, has a cleaning and antistatic effect, so it keeps them dust-free. Our anti-fog liquid offers guaranteed effectiveness.
Why is it important to clean my glasses?
Viruses and bacteria can accumulate on the surfaces of our lenses, which are dangerous if they come into contact with our body. Now even more, when we have to deal with the Coronavirus and our eyes are an area of potential contagion. That is why it is important to frequently sanitize our glasses and wear the appropriate protection.