Wear over-goggles or prescription safety glasses?

Statistically, more than 60% of the working population wears prescription glasses. The most comfortable and effective solution to this need is: prescription safety spectacles.

The eye protection glasses available on the market can prevent the different risks to which the worker may be exposed. Therefore, a correct analysis of the conditions and risks of the work will determine a good choice of eye protection.

If we use prescription lenses, we have two alternatives:

  1. Wear over-goggles over our usual frames.
  2. Order safety glasses with prescription lenses.

Which is the best option? Here are the differences between the two options.

Safety goggles

Safety goggles are intended for occasional, non-continuous use.

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, an impact on the over-goggle can be transmitted to the prescription glasses, causing a risk of breakage. Secondly, wearing 2 glasses for 8 hours is very uncomfortable for the worker, both because of the weight and the glare caused by the double lens. But if you only need protection at certain times, over-goggles are a very good choice because they can be placed over the prescription glasses you are already wearing.

The lenses are made of polycarbonate material giving them a high impact resistance and are non-prescription.


  • They are more economical
  • You can use them over your usual refraction
  • You can buy them without a prescription


  • They are not suitable for permanent use (only occasional).
  • They are more uncomfortable due to their weight.
  • The impacts received can be transmitted residually to the glasses of habitual use if they are used together with them.

Prescription safety glasses

Prescription safety spectacles are the right solution for continuous use. They have the necessary prescription prescribed by a qualified health professional. Prescription safety spectacles are designed and manufactured in their entirety to meet their intended purpose and current standards. They result in a properly corrected and visually protected worker, thus increasing comfort and productivity at work.

Getting prescription safety glasses is easier than you think, in five steps you can get them!

  1. Go to an optician
  2. They will advise you on the type of eye protection you should wear.
  3. An optometrist will give you an eye examination.
  4. Choose the model of glasses
  5. In a few days they will be ready and you will be able to work in total safety

If you have a company, Pegaso safety has an easy-to-use management platform for issuing and approving e-vouchers, as well as pre-set prices adapted to your company's purchasing operations. Find out why you should equip your employees with prescription safety glasses.